Retreat Speaking

Lara Martin

From the Far North to your next event!

Scroll down for details.

  • Inspiring

    We can’t live on the mountaintop.

    But an occasional period away from the everyday to lift our eyes to our Creator, Sustainer, Savior can fill us up with the joyful energy we need to carry His love to our world.

    Let me help reset your vision.

  • Relatable

    There is something in my story for everyone: A daughter watching her mother age well; a wife of more than thirty years, whose marriage has beaten all the odds; a mother who has experienced loss and joy at every stage.

    Still singing of the faithfulness of God!

  • Practical

    What difference does it make?

    Without application, a retreat is just a rest: important, but not enough. My goal is to equip you with tools that will take what you believe from your head to your heart to your feet.

    Let’s put running shoes on your faith!

Logistics for Retreat Speaking

There are a lot of details to think of when planning a retreat, and most of them cost more than you’d hoped. I know, I’ve been there!

My goal is to make the speaker part of your plan as easy and affordable as possible.

I want this ministry to be all and only that which God is blessing.

So this is what I request:

  • airfare (or miles) from/to Fairbanks, Alaska

  • housing (hotel or guest room)

  • food (you wouldn’t like me when I’m hungry)

  • a freewill love offering

And this is what I offer:

  • one to four messages over the course of a couple days that will inspire hope and faith by turning every eye to the faithfulness of God;

  • personal stories that will illustrate God’s faithfulness and create connection;

  • practical tips with handouts to help each attendee take the message to heart and then to their feet!